Well-being & Spa

NEW since December 2018

HELDs SPA – discover.experience.retreat.
Discover beautiful nature around Ruhpolding. Retreat and gain new energy in our  spa area after an exciting day. Get inspired by the diversified materials and  experience  the world  of the “Chiemgau”-Alps  with all your sences. Feel the healing power of the mountains by using peelings and salts and enjoy finely selected  teas at our vital bar. Our new spa area provides a place of retreat for recreation. Pendulous beds, daybeds and cozy corners offer perfect relaxation after a sauna session (accessible from 16 years on).

Der Spabereich des Chiemgauer Alpenhotels mit bequemen Ruheliegen
Nahaufnahme einer aufgeschnittenen Zitronen mit Tannenzweigen daneben im Wellnesshotel in Ruhpolding

Feel comfortable

After having spent an eventful day in the nature and the mountains, you can relax and unwind in our spa area with sauna and relaxation room.

Furthermore, our naturopath, Mrs Gudrun Lang will be delighted to pamper you with various soothing massage therapies, such as “Breuß” massage, energizing massage with essential oils, craniosacral osteopathy, foot reflexology and energy therapy (Reiki).

After the sauna session you can take a refreshing shower with revitalized Grander water.


Eine Frau massiert den Rücken eines Gastes